Thursday, August 4, 2011

New penstemon are in!

This morning Dorothy and I planted the Penstemon glaber v. alpina (Smooth Penstemon) that Dorothy had started from seed from Pumpkin Vine Pass (catch up on Operation: Globemallow-Penstemon Switch here).  Filling in some of the gaps left when we removed the sneaky Sphaeralcea munroana, we planted 20 patches of penstemon - a total of 67 plants.  When they bloom, they'll have sky-blue flowers.

I tease apart the roots of various Penstemon seedlings to distribute them throughout the Berry Prairie.

I don't look very excited, but I promise this was really fun!  Go Team Penstemon!

These little seedings had very impressive roots!  One of the contributing factors to their drought tolerance.

Dorothy tends the seedlings so they'll establish their root structures before winter comes (in Laramie, that's not too long from now!).

Penstemon glaber v. alpina ready to make a name for itself in the Berry Prairie.

Stop by the Berry Prairie to see if you can identify them in their new homes!

Written by Brenna Wanous, Berry Center 

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